Pixel Perfect Free Hosting Terms & Conditions

Pixel Perfect Free Hosting Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

These terms and conditions (“Terms”) govern the provision of free hosting services (“Free Hosting”) by Pixel Perfect (“Company”) to its clients (“Clients”). By utilizing the Free Hosting services, Clients agree to be bound by these Terms.

2. Free Hosting Service

  1. The Free Hosting service provided by Pixel Perfect includes hosting of the Client’s website on Company’s servers.
  2. The Free Hosting service is limited to a maximum of 500 visitors per month. Exceeding this limit may result in additional charges as outlined in section 3 below.
  3. Hosting is provided for startup companies with visitors of less than 500 per month and for 6 months to 1 year depending on the website design package chosen.
  4. Pixel Perfect reserves the right to charge extra fees for the migration or backup of the website data within the free hosting period.
  5. No admin panel access to the software used to create website will be provided with free hosting during the free hosting period or after client moving to other provider.
  6. Upon request a backup of front end website design in html format will be provided which client can host on server to make website live. Any services needed to move or migrate the website to client owned server or other service provider server is charged migration service fee

3. Charges for Exceeding Visitor Limit

  1. If the Client’s website exceeds the maximum limit of 500 visitors per month, Pixel Perfect reserves the right to charge the Client for hosting plan charges.
  2. Hosting plan charges for exceeding the visitor limit start from 350 Indian Rupees per month when paid annually.
  3. Pixel Perfect will notify the Client in advance if the visitor limit is about to be exceeded and discuss available hosting plan options.

4. Payment Terms

  1. Payment for hosting plan charges incurred due to exceeding the visitor limit shall be made by the Client within the timeframe specified by Pixel Perfect.
  2. Failure to make payment within the specified timeframe may result in suspension or termination of the Client’s hosting services.

5. Usage Restrictions

  1. Clients agree not to use the Free Hosting service for any unlawful or prohibited activities.
  2. Pixel Perfect reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Free Hosting service if the Client violates these Terms or engages in any activities that may harm the Company’s servers or network infrastructure.

6. Data Protection

  1. Pixel Perfect will take reasonable measures to protect the data hosted on its servers; however, the Client acknowledges that Pixel Perfect cannot guarantee absolute security.
  2. Clients are responsible for maintaining backups of their website and data. Pixel Perfect shall not be liable for any loss of data.
  3. Pixel Perfect is not liable for any data loss if the Client fails to pay hosting charges or chooses not to continue using our services.

7. Termination

  1. Pixel Perfect reserves the right to terminate the Free Hosting service at any time without prior notice.
  2. Upon termination of the Free Hosting service, Pixel Perfect may delete all data associated with the Client’s website from its servers.
  3. Pixel Perfect may terminate free hosting service at any time if visitor limit is crossed and there by website will be made offline and pixel perfect will not be liable to any damages to the client’s business after client website is not accessible

8. Modification of Terms

  1. Pixel Perfect reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time without prior notice.
  2. Clients are encouraged to review the Terms periodically for any changes. Continued use of the Free Hosting service constitutes acceptance of the modified Terms.

By using Pixel Perfect’s Free Hosting service, Clients acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to abide by these Terms and Conditions.